Teaching Resources Australia: Pave the Way towards Success for Teachers and Students
"If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them." Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking." R. Buckminster Fuller
According to research, students
want learning support that is relevant to their situation and want it right
away; not now, not tomorrow. The development of new technology that may be
utilised both inside and outside of the classroom is one of the most exciting
aspects in education today. These developments provide some fantastic
advantages that can enhance our education for our students and the larger world
in a constantly changing environment.
Teaching Resources Australia provides educators and learners
with evidence based and Australian curriculum-aligned digital teaching tools
and templates. Itcthinkdrive is well regarded for creating useful and genuine
educational resources. Innovative Teachers' Companion, Innovative Students'
Companion, and Beginning Teachers' Companion are some of its mind-blowing
creations. Students require analytical tools to organise their study findings
when performing research for any assignment. At this stage, the thinking tool
effectively captures the student's research and concepts. In order to ensure
that the learner is headed in the correct direction, formative feedback should
be provided at this crucial time. SWOT analysis, Icon Prompt, PCQ/PCQ
Extension, Judge Jury, Solution Path, Fishbone Diagram, Flow Chart, Silent Card
Shuffle, Double Bubble Map, T-Chart, Y Chart, Split Y Chart, Elimination Draw,
and Extended Barometer are some of its thinking tools.
The educational system cannot
operate without feedback. It may be used to improve teaching and learning
methods since it immediately affects how knowledge is acquired and has a direct
influence on both teaching and learning.
Feedback aids all students in
comprehending the material and offers clear instructions on how to enhance
their learning process. Students who receive feedback are more likely to become
self-aware, enthusiastic, and confident in their studies. Itctinkdrive offers
teacher feedback strategies, student self-assessment strategies, and student
peer feedback strategies.
itcthinkdrive is produced by
Itc Publications. If you want to set up a trial of these critical thinking
materials in your school, get in touch with itcthinkdrive
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